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ISO22003-1:2022 Transition Guidelines for Food Safety Management System
2024-12-27      Hit 311   Comment 0  

According to the ISO22003-1:2022 transition requirements, the certification audit will be applied from January 1, 2025 as follows, so please refer to it for your work:


(1) Changes in food category (Download code table 'here')


    A. Food Category C

       - C0: Primary conversion of animals (slaughter and bulk fish storage)

       - CI: Perishable animal products (frozen meat/fishery products, animal pet food ​added)

       - CII: Perishable plant products (plant pet food added)

       - CIII: Perishable animal/plant mixed food (mixed pet food, off-site catering kitchen added)

       - CIV: Room temperature distribution food (room temperature pet food ​added ​)


     B. Deletion of subcategories of food categories D and G. Ex) DI, DII, GI, GII, etc.

     C. Food category E includes restaurants, hotels, and food trucks.​​

     D. FI Retail/Wholesale of Food Category F includes simple processing such as slicing, distribution, and reheating.


(2) Change in audit time: Please refer to the audit notice sent before the audit. For example, one HACCP study has already been included in the minimum audit time.


(3) Change in certification logo guidelines: Promotional statements are not allowed on product packaging. Download 'here'.


(4) Change in multiple business site sampling: Only food categories A, B, F, and G can be sampled.​ 

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