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Conformity Assessment Body

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Certification logo guidelines revised in accordance with the transition requirements of ISO22003-1:2022
2024-12-27      Hit 116   Comment 0  

Due to the ISO 22003-1 transition requirements, any promotional statements on packaging is not allowed,
so we have attached the latest certification logo guidelines for your reference.


1. Certification Logo Guideline for JAS-ANZ (Rev. 13)


2. Certification Logo Guideline for IAS (Rev. 2)​ 

The attached file F09-1-1_Guideline.Use.of.logo.JAS-ANZ_r13.pdf (276.28KB) [36] 2024-12-27 15:47:58
The attached file F09-1-3_IAS.logo.Guideline_r2.1.pdf (258.89KB) [49] 2025-01-09 15:33:42
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